WAYNE MAY: Archaeologist and publisher of Ancient American Magazine and Lecturer
Wayne has done extensive work on the Hopewell Native American culture, which came on the scene about 580 BC and suddenly vanished around 400 AD in the Finger Lakes region of New York. His research has led him to believe that the Hopewell were the Nephite of the Book of Mormon. The Hopewell were also known as the Mound Builders
ROD MELDRUM: Researcher and lecturer on Book of Mormon evidences and founder of the Firm Foundation.
Rod was the first to question the DNA evidence asserting that all North American tribes had their origins from groups making a Beringial migration when the sea level was so low it exposed a land mass from Siberia to Alaska. Rod’s work has now revealed that certain tribes in North America also bear DNA markers linking them with the hills of Judea.
RYAN FISHER: Investigative reporter and documentary videographer
Ryan has done much to address criticism regarding Book of Mormon geography and a variety of other issues. His unique style and talents have persuaded many and reinforced testimonies in Book of Mormon authenticity.
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There is no greater collection of vital information in video format: the Nephite Explorer series, numerous documentaries and research presentations.
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