The Recruit
An urgent message for all good people…
Originally written as the prologue to book three in the Daniel Collection, the work became a stand-alone story, requiring its own identity. Hence, The Recruit was born.
So relevant are the ideas contained within its pages that it had to be offered now, as far before the election in November as possible. It is a key to grasping the impact of dark forces shaping our national and global reality.
Though the story is a sci-fi and fictional, it’s based on movements that started the moment our country was born. Brilliant and God-inspired men came together to form a government based on the idea that all men are endowed with supernal rights. Every human being is entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of his or her happiness—meaning we have ability to own whatever we acquire legally. No one is subject to anyone but the Creator. And our form of government, having been created by the People, is subject to the People. A creation is forever subject to its creator.
This idea has not set well with those who consider themselves superior to their fellow-beings, either because of birthright or intellect or might. Such individuals have always existed on Earth and are the cause of extreme suffering among men.
Since the country’s conception, and then after its birth as a nation, opposition to its existence has been mounting. The forces of evil cannot tolerate the idea that man— by his very nature— is given agency, the right to choose for himself.
Against agency, the highest of all God-given rights, the Destroyer has been waging a relentless war, and he has recruited many that seek supremacy over others. Having been convinced that Earth’s vast resources are depleting, the so-called elite devise a strategy after strategy to curtail their exploration and use. Of course, when those resources are needed, they will be extracted at the expense of the masses for the benefit of the “favored.”
The Recruit was written to expose these forces and their tactics, and show how they thrive in today’s calamitous world. Too many good people have been seduced by altruisms, behind which are ravening wolves.
Quantity discounts are available. More on this coming soon.
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