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Nothing seems to make sense. The world is in chaos and insanity seems to rule the day.

Hidden forces, like the tectonic movements of continents, are ever-shaping our reality. The direction of these movements may not be toward higher civility, but toward subjugation and compliance. As it was not many years ago, the entire human experience was servitude to the Crown or some other tyrant.

When the United States of America came on the scene in 1776, it became a nation where people were supreme to their government. Such an idea runs counter to every would-be tyrant, and the forces of evil have been relentless in their attack against the US Constitution—the biggest impediment to global governance. Only by stripping individuality and homogenizing all people can humanity be brought into a social order of true equality. How else can world peace be accomplished, unless self-interest is replaced by commitment to the collective, all marching in lockstep with the directives of the elite, who, of course, know what’s best for humanity. The Recruit exposes what’s going on: the hostility, the chaos, the endless attacks on liberty and the document that protects it—the Constitution of the United States of America.

We are not a democracy but a Constitutional Republic, and the Founding Fathers clearly knew the difference. It’s about time our politicians do.